#Pokemon game maker studio movie#
Strange endings change the nature of the movie entirely, generate a shocked reaction, and produce more box-office income than a good ending.

Strange Ending (Japanese: カルトエンド Cult Ending) - Generated by deviating from the script a certain way, causing a puzzled response from the director.Directors have an aggravated response when triggering a bad ending, and the film will lose money at the box office. Bad Ending - Generated by deviating from the script, such as acting out of character (acting scared when playing a superhero, not acting scared when a zombie appears, etc.) or not completing the battle puzzle properly.The player can tell they are getting the good ending based on the pleased reactions of the director. Getting the good ending usually unlocks the next movie in the series. Good Ending - Generated by following the script.There are three types of endings that a movie can get: Beyond eight, the player will have to choose between either deleting an existing film or not releasing the film at all (the box sales records do remain even if a film is removed). Once the filming is complete, the player can watch the movie in the theater, with up to eight films able to play in the theater simultaneously. The options chosen will determine the course of the film. The player must choose the option that best matches the movie script. During the battle, several script options are shown. Then, the player goes to a room with a green screen and faces a person in a Pokémon battle. However, the player is not allowed to use their party Pokémon in a film until they have filmed a Good Ending for it.

To make a film, the player must first choose whether to use a rental Pokémon or a Pokémon from their own party.